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Compliance to NRCS local VC standards are key, for your products to be legal & specified within projects.

Every model or product family within the scope of VC's in Electrotechnical, must receive approval from the regulator before entering the South African market. These approvals follow the established policies procedures. The regulator employs a risk-based approach, assessing the conformity evidence provided with the approval application, and grants approval only when the relevant VC requirements are satisfied.

VC code application

Choose your pricing plan

  • Project information

    Every month
    +R 1,850 Joining Fee (Non refundable)
    This service includes: * 24 hrs live project status reports * Information updates on the economical chain * Project imagery.
    Valid for 12 months
    • VC code application (LOA)

      • LOA product certicitaion
    • Product specification

      Every month
      +R 1,850 joining fee
      Valid for 12 months
      • Specifying products on active projects
    Modern Architecture

    project specification & live online information  

    Our passionate team is all about uncovering exciting private sector tenders and construction projects! With our in-depth information on private construction contracts in South Africa, we deliver top services either online or in person. Our project managers cycle through the whole economical chain, ensuring that your product is specified, managed and handed over with correct files and documentation. 


    Should you not wish to use our services, our live online database, makes it super easy for you to spot new opportunities by yourself to sell your products within these project sectors. Furthermore, we provide not just valuable insights, but assurance to Consultants that we will verify that your products are compliant with local South African regulations. 

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